Monday, November 2, 2015

Caring Circles at First Unitarian Church of Worcester

What are the Caring Circles?

The Caring Circles are smaller "neighborhood" groups roughly geographically based, that connect members with tangible support and take care of each other in various ways - formal and informal.  The Caring Circles are designated by color.  Each Caring Circle has a Leader/Co-Leader that coordinate practical assistance with life transitions and challenges and help members get to know one another and to stay connected to the larger congregation. They are inter-generational, fun and fluid in nature. The goal is to maintain a structure for a greater depth of connection among ourselves. Caring Circle members do not function as professionals but rather serve as safe friends who are committed to keeping confidences as requested.  We invite all members and friends of First Unitarian Church of Worcester to become actively involved in this important caring community.
            Caring for each other is what we do.